So here is the continuation from last week....we all piled into our SUV to head to this "special" destination/reservation that Mike had planned for us as a celebration for closing on our house. All was well until we hit a dead stand still on the highway. We had just passed the only available exit within miles before we realized traffic was not going to be going anywhere for a while due to a wreck. We shut off the car, turn on the music and what do we hear? Brody throwing his little heart up in the back seat. LOVELY. As I search for something to clean him up with and find something for him to throw up in it hits me I didn't even bring the damn diaper bag. What kind of mother forgets a diaper bag?!?!?!? We don't have a thing in the car to extra napkins in the glove box, no wrappers of anything on the floor, NOTHING. All I could do is use a spare sock I found in the back of the seat to wipe the poor kids mouth with. I felt horrible for him. The next part was getting him undressed without the puke going all over him anymore than it had how to keep it off the car seat and floor of the truck. So here we are stuck on the highway in the heat with a puker....nice, reeeeaaaaal, nice.
However, my excitement was quickly erased when Brody started throwing up AGAIN. Seriously, this wasn't looking good for my little man and he was gradually get more lethargic while we were sitting there doing the paperwork for Lucy. I felt so torn because this precious puppy was scared and had no idea what was going on but my son was throwing up and really looked bad. Mike got all the paperwork done and we left and the entire trip home Brody threw up. He was getting pale and clammy so I knew the ER was our only option this late in the day on a Friday.
I had to shake all of that off and out of my mind so I could focus on my own sick little boy because he was getting worse as minutes ticked on. He had a fever and was throwing up until he had nothing left to throw up. He was becoming lethargic and after 3 attempts they were finally able to get a good vein on his hand to push fluids through to help hydrate him. They had given him some Zofran to help with the puking and it seemed to help and as soon as that bag of fluids were halfway through he was a new kid! He started bossing us around and was back in his usual frame of mind. We finally saw that smile that was missing for about 5 hours. The worst was yet to come....the pee test. They ended up doing a cath on him and that was the most painful for Mike and I to watch. Brody hated it and screamed bloody murder during the entire thing. It broke my heart seeing him so upset and begging them to stop. Something I never want to expierence again.
After many hours in the ER we were finally released and let our precious baby boy go home so he could rest. He slept with us that first night and ended up puking all over our bed with us in it. Nice. After cleaning up that mess we hit the sheets and I was praying it was a good nights sleep for all of was until I woke up early Saturday morning throwing up. OMG. I got the same virus he had and I was in no way ready for it. I was so sick and ended up in the ER and was given 2 full bags of fluids to help me. I left the ER feeling the worst I have ever felt in my life and I just wanted my bed. That bed was my haven for 5 days!!! Brody was also a permanent fixture in our bed. We were a sad case to look at and we felt like that too.
It's been one week ago that all took place and I can honestly say we both are not 100% back to normal. We are eating slowly and appetites aren't what they were. I am praying his turns around soon because he has lost 5 pounds and he can't afford it so PediaSure has been added to see if it helps.
The End to the Stomach Bug/Flu from are never welcome back!!!!
Ugh! Oh Jamie! How horrible! Well, not all of it.. I'm so happy Mike got you Lucy, and that you and Brody are doing so much better and on the mend.. but what a horrific week you guys went through.. :( Hopefully the Beemer household is done with the flu virus and Victoria and Mike don't get it too.. <3