Tears!! Oh, the tears we have had this month! Both Brody and I have been emotional basketcases lately. He has cried about every single day and for no apparent reason. I feel like my son is suffering from PMS! I guess he takes after his Momma because I am a very emotional person too. Lately everything has made me want to cry or I've actually produced tears. Maybe I was doomed from the start of this past week when I got news that one of the sweet little ladies at the Alzheimer's Center had passed away suddenly in her sleep over the weekend. Maybe that should have been a sign my week wasn't going to be rainbows and unicorns? I cried myself to sleep on Monday night thinking about her passing away and how I wasn't prepared for her sudden death. I knew going into volunteering at the center people would pass away and I have already dealt with it on several occasions so it's beyond me why I got so upset over the whole thing. I've cried out of frustration because Brody has been so stubborn lately and doesn't listen to a word I say. I have shed tears over the fact Brody is getting older and he has 2 loose teeth. Thinking about Brody never being able to participate in sports like normal little boys has sent me over the edge on several occasions. Victoria is turning 17 this month and I've cried a tear or two over that! It's freaking ridiculous. I am just going to stop talking about it because I annoy myself even thinking about it.
We have had some FULL BLOWN TEMPER TANTRUMS that have resulted in a few pops on the bottom lately. It's been so bad that I had to get my trusty old wooden spoon out for reinforcement. Brody is at the age that my hand no longer stings his bottom and he usually ends up laughing at me stating "that didn't hurt" (that enrages me)! His temper tantrums usually end up with him flailing around on the floor screaming his head off about something as petty as the wrong SpongeBob episode is on the television. I am not kidding. We've also had a lot of hand/spoon meets bottom over the meaning of "No" and "Stop". Sadly, he still hasn't grasped those two words yet so his feelings will continue to be hurt until he does.
That about wraps up how my week was and as you can probably tell I am ready for it to be over and move on to next week! I am crossing my fingers that it goes a little more smoothly for all of us! Prayers are always appreciated and welcomed. I hope all of you have a wonderful week!
Bless your hearts!!!!!!