July 29, 2011

Google or Bust

Oh, Google, how I love you so....I think I use Google more than any other application that is available online....even more than my beloved Facebook.

Google is my "Go To" for EVERYTHING; I might I know that I am addicted to it. I mean honestly what can't the site answer?!?!

I thought it could answer everything until I ran across this little blurb above. It hit me right in the gut because it's so true and we rarely stop to think about some things only God can answer; there isn't an "earthly" explanation for it. We can try to use Google for the answer but sometimes there just isn't one or it's not the answer we truly need. It's an answer only "He" can provide.

So, with that weighing heavily on my mind I may stop trying to always find the answer or reason for all of my worries, woes or concerns. I should just leave it up to him anyway; he will shed light on the situation when the time is right. Sometimes I think we don't even need to know the answer immediately; it's his way of letting it "stew" so we can think about things.

"Always believe in God. Because there are some questions that even Google can't answer"

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