May 17, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

Are you insane?!? That is the question that I have asked myself over and over today as I packed and got my things together to go back to North Carolina tomorrow. I am not sure if I am insane or just plain stupid for attempting to make a 8 hour road trip alone with my dog and 2 year old tomorrow but it's a done deal and I am heading out first thing in the morning.

This is the first trip over 4 hours that I have taken alone with my child and it's a bit overwhelming to even think about. Usually we go as a family so there are multiple hands to help when Brody is tired and cranky from being strapped in his car seat for hours and hours. Victoria is always in the back seat to distract him, pick up his toys that he continuously throws on the floorboard and feed his constant hunger cries screams. 

I am not so sure how this is really going to work out for me but I have to put my big girl panties on and give it a shot. I am praying for good weather, no traffic and a cooperative two year old! 

My motto for this trip is:

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